Sunday 15 May 2016

Know about University of Lucerne

University of Lucerne
                                                  University of Lucerne 

Considering in Lucerne
There are varied nice reasons with reference to why you'll learn at the University of Lucerne: beside the seductive scope of study comes on supply, the most youthful faculty in European country separates itself by giving a additional individual atmosphere for understudies, whilst likewise organizing its international systems.

Attraktive Studiengänge

Mit ihrem Fächerangebot aus sanctum Bereichen Kultur und Sozialwissenschaften,  Recht, Wirtschaft, Gesundheit und Theologie bietet kick the bucket Universität Luzern vielfältige Möglichkeiten für ein zukunfts-und gesellschaftsorientiertes Studium. Pass on Vernetzung verschiedener Fachbereiche ermöglicht einzigartige Kombinationen.
Persönlich und überschaubar

A der Universität Luzern sind kick the bucket einzelnen Studierenden mehr als nur Nummern. Sie haben einen Namen, weil hier nicht 10'000 und mehr Personen eingeschrieben sind, sondern weniger als 3000. Damit ist eine vergleichsweise persönliche Atmosphäre gewährleistet, kick the bucket das Lernen und Arbeiten erleichtert.
Gute Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt

Absolventinnen und Absolventen der Universität  Luzern haben gute Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Das unterstreicht auch eine Befragung des  Bundesamtes für Statistik. Ehemalige Studierende der jüngsten Schweizer Universität  arbeiten heute in verantwortungsvollen Positionen in Wirtschaft, Verwaltung und in Non-Profit-Organisationen.
Didaktisch und wissenschaftlich ambitioniert

Kick the bucket Professorinnen und Professoren der Universität Luzern haben sanctum Anspruch, nook Studierenden qualitativ hochwertige Lehre Zubird bieten und entsprechende Forschungsleistungen zu erbringen. Bite the dust Lehrveranstaltungen  sind anregend, lehrreich und durch Forschungsleistungen der Dozierenden gestützt. Kompetentes wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, das Arbeitgeber von Studienabgängerinnen und Studienabgängern erwarten, wird dadurch methodisch und inhaltlich sicht-und erfahrbar.
Global vernetzt

Kick the bucket Universität Luzern cap ein Netz zu Partneruniversitäten in der ganzen Welt aufgebaut. Das ermöglicht es interessierten Studierenden, ein Auslandsemester zu absolvieren. Gleichzeitig sorgen kick the bucket ausländischen Studentinnen und Studenten a der Universität Luzern für einen internationalen Touch.
Modernes Gebäude a zentralem Standort

Im neuen Universitätsgebäude   findet alles unter einem Dach Platz. Es steht unmittelbar neben dem Bahnhof und hinter  dem Kultur-und Kongresszentrum Luzern (KKL) a der Luzerner Seebucht. Kick the bucket berühmte Luzerner Altstadt erreicht man innert weniger Minuten.

The University of Lucerne, established in 2000, is the most youthful faculty in European country, be that as it may, its scholarly attaches extending back to the seventeenth century. A dynamic and yearning advanced education organization, it offers understudies a brilliant involvement in a very individual and powerful atmosphere.

The college's scholarly instructing and analysis exercises ar done in offices sorted get into 3 resources: Law, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Theology. Study programs range from law, human science, social studies, reasoning, investigation  of religions, human studies, history, and legislative issues to mortal studies and spiritual philosophy. Various consolidated degrees and totally different coordinated degrees underscore the unambiguously knowledge base methodology.

As the main college in Central European country it's organized within the heart of the marvellous town of trefoil ( The social and recreation offers of the city with theater, historical centers or the Kultur-und Kongresszentrum Luzern, additionally Lake trefoil associated the encompassing mountains augment an appealing study atmosphere.

Other data

All out Number of understudies in fall 2012: 2'797

Female understudies: fifty seven

Global understudies: twelve-tone system

Doctoral understudies: 100%

Further Education understudies: 4WD

Semester educational value expense:

CHF 1'620 p.a. (around 1'750 USD) for Swiss Citizens

CHF 2'220 p.a. (around 2'400 USD) for Non-Swiss Citizens

Dissemination by Faculties

Law: 53%

Humanities and Social Sciences: 39%

Religious philosophy: V-E Day

All out number of scholastic staff: 322


College of trefoil

Frohburgstrasse 3, P.O.Box 4466, 6002 Lucerne

Telephone: +41 forty one 229 fifty 00 - Fax: +41 41 229 fifty 01

Expert comes

Searching for a Master project? European country is that the ideal decision! A universally known focus of brilliance for educating and analysis, it offers an expansive scope of fantastic comes in a few dialects and in every field of examination.

Pick the territory you want to pay vital time in: Swiss schools give you unimaginable instructing, top notch offices, access to an extravagance of multi-lingual and multi-social assets, a to a great degree productive framework, and an incomprehensible system of worldwide associations that would possibly open energizing open doors for your future vocation.

Its characteristic delights, high caliber of life, entrancing history associated a centuries-old convention for social variations build European country an amazing spot to live in. In the meantime, Swiss colleges supply associate assortment of trade comes that can allow you to review and travel everywhere Europe, and past.

You might skim crosswise over knowledgeable comes in varied ways:

Select a Discipline, and discover each one of the bosses having an area therewith teaches.

Select a University, and discover each one of the experts fitting in therewith University.

Utilize the pursuit box, to consolidate a few watchwords.

Take in more concerning the various knowledgeable comes by about to the open days.

Considering a doctoral degree? Why not Switzerland! decide a nation whose interests in exploration ar among the most astounding on the world, whose researchers are the most profitable, as well as probably the foremost powerful round the world, whose system of global contacts can offer you the possibility to figure in conjunction with prestigious examination organizations everyplace throughout the world.

Swiss colleges supply their PhD competitors the most exceptional analysis and getting ready, five star offices, an assortment of worldwide associations, fantastic living, and a fortifying state of affairs that can open up plenty of possibilities for a fruitful vocation in scholastic or business analysis.

You might search crosswise over PhD programs in varied ways:

Select a Discipline, and discover all the PhD program fitting in therewith trains

Select a University, and discover all the PhD program fitting in therewith University

Open Days

It would be ideal if you discover beneath the schedule of the varied colleges' open days. On the off chance that you have the chance to hitch these occasions, you will have the possibility to require in additional concerning the various Master comes, visit the offices and become acquainted with delegates from the donnish employees.

Timetable of Open Days
No open days accessible right now.

The University of Geneva, University of Zurich and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne do not mapped out Master information Events. You will discover all the vital information on their sites.

You can come back to think about in European country as an identical understudy, a trade understudy, or in a few colleges as a «free-mover».
Consistent understudy

Consistent understudies are noncommissioned with a Swiss faculty or Federal organization of innovation and set up to get a degree recompensed by the picked foundation. Enlistment needs to fullfil the movement and confirmations conditions (limitations apply for studies in drugs and Chiropractics). Once conceded, worldwide understudies can take when courses towards their degree, as Swiss understudies do.
Trade understudies

Trade understudies come in the system of associate assention between their home institution and a Swiss faculty or Federal foundation of innovation. They don't pay the academic value expense within the host foundation. They can get evaluations and credits, however the span of the keep is affected  and they cannot get a degree from the host foundation. Intrigued understudies ought to contact the mediation office of their home faculty to see if there ar understudy trade concurrences with Swiss organizations.


A few colleges supply worldwide understudies the chance to return as a «guest student» or «free mover». Understudies coming in this system have to be compelled to pay the academic value charge and may attend courses for a affected  timeframe (typically 2 semesters). They can't choose a degree. For more information it is vital to see the location of the Admissions branch of the muse went for, as the regulations would possibly shift.

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